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Why tech startups should be aware of the Trump Broadcom/Qualcomm deal block


Tech startups need to be aware of how the shifting geopolitical climate has a bearing on their long-term business plans and seek the opportunities it presents, says Rhodri Thomas, CEO of Cambridge based image fusion company Spectral Edge.

British tech startups received nearly £4.137bn in venture capital funding last year according to UKTN’s investment tracker – a significant rise on the 2016 total of £1.431bn. This is an impressive achievement, and something to be both praised and encouraged.

It isn’t over-reaching to say that tech startups have transformed the way new businesses form, develop and function through their ability to cut across national boundaries and bring talent together no matter where in the world it is.  Often the funding, people, technology, partnerships, and more come from disparate areas of the world. Technology does not respect physical boundaries – therefore neither does everything that comes with it. ...