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IWD: Data shows tech gender parity progress remains slow

IWD tech gender gap
Image credit: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock

As another International Women’s Day comes by, it is a stark reminder of the glacial progress in closing the UK tech industry’s gender gap.

Much work is being done. A recent report from the women-led high-growth enterprise taskforce, led by Starling Bank founder Anne Boden, made a handful of practical recommendations for businesses.

A women-led campaign was part of successful lobbying efforts to push the Treasury into reversing a law change that would have cut thousands of women out of angel investing.

Other initiatives, such as Playfair Capital’s long-running Female Founder Office Hours programme, will see 150 VC funds hold remote office hours for female founders in April.

Despite positive tech industry action, there is much more to be done to change perceptions and attitudes. A recent survey of 1,000 men, conducted by Nigel Frank International, found that 80% agree men and women are treated equally in the tech world....