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Spotify and Uber are teaming up in London

Today Uber and Spotify confirmed that they’ve inked a deal to bring Spotify’s music streaming service into Uber cars.

The service will be available in the following 10 cities starting November 21: London, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Nashville, New York, San Francisco, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, and Toronto.

On a press call, Uber chief Travis Kalanick revealed that the partnership enables users to link their “Uber account to their Spotify account. We’re incredibly excited about it,” said Kalanick.

It’s the first time we’ve personalized the experience inside the car.

Uber shares that the service will require a paid Spotify subscription.

Ruined the surprise

Reports of the partnership leaked over the weekend, thanks in part to a promotional video on Vimeo that appeared to confirm the deal.

The deal was then confirmed this morning when Spotify published a blog post and then quickly pulled it again.

So the partners blew the surprise, but now we have some new details to keep us interested.


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