Catch up with the biggest tech stories of the week
This week: Tech City News Awards, Sony’s Smart Wig, Personal Genetics Testing banned & more in your Week in Tech! Huge thanks to Eight Club for hosting us today and for the Elevator Pitch Awards.
Download of the week
Our Download of the week is Moment.Us, a streaming music discovery app that creates your perfect playlist based on your environment, mood and location! Available to download for free on iOS now!
The Week in Tech is your bitesize video guide to the top 3 tech stories of the week, presented by Tech City News’ very own Anastasia Emmanuel.
Further reading
London’s Hottest Startups Revealed At the Elevator Pitch Awards [Tech City News]
Sony files patent for ‘SmartWig [BBC News]
FDA bans 23andme personal genetics tests [BBC News] Boomf makes your Instagram photos edible [The Verge] Want us to come film the Week in Tech at your offices? Get in touch with Becky Golland by email: