Catch up with the biggest tech stories of the week
This week, it’s raining money in London as payments app Yoyo raise $5M, Music startup Roli raise $13M and GoPro prepares for IPO. All this and more in our Week in Tech.
Big thanks to Pill Box, the new Workspace for fast growth businesses, in the heart of Bethnal Green
Download of the Week
Our Download of the week is Loveflutter, now available for free download on iOS.
New video every Friday
The Week in Tech is your bitesize video guide to the top 3 tech stories of the week, presented by Tech City News’ very own Anastasia Emmanuel.
Further reading
YoYo raises $5M to bring mobile payments to the masses [Tech City News]
ROLI secure $12.8m for the keyboard of the future [Tech City News]
GoPro plans to list on the Nasdaq stock exchange [BBC News]
Voters advised not to take selfies in polling booths [BBC News]
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