Catch up with the biggest tech stories of the week
This week: Facebook’s $19bn shopping spree, TechCity to the rescue, DIY 3D furniture & more in your Week in Tech!
Big thanks to BBC Labs for hosting us this week! Applications for the March accelerator close Wed 26th, so startups, get applying now.
Download of the week
Our Download of the week is Lowdown App. Available as a paid for app on iOS.
New video every Friday
The Week in Tech is your bitesize video guide to the top 3 tech stories of the week, presented by Tech City News’ very own Anastasia Emmanuel.
Further reading
Two Geeks, $19bn, and a Killer Facebook Purchase [Tech City News]
Tech City steps up to the plate at FloodHack [Tech City News]
Print your furniture at home for $39000 [The Verge]
Thousands play Pokemon on Twitch simultaneously [BBC News]
Want us to come film the Week in Tech at your offices?
Get in touch with Becky Golland by email: