Catch up with the biggest tech stories of the week
This week: Crowdfunding Malaria Diagnosis, Google buys NEST, Apple refund $32M and more in your Week in Tech.
Download of the week
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New video every Friday
The Week in Tech is your bitesize video guide to the top 3 tech stories of the week, presented by Tech City News’ very own Anastasia Emmanuel.
Dinner with Simon Sinek
Our next supper club event takes place on Tuesday 4th February, with the legendary Simon Sinek. Click on the button below to find out more and get your ticket.
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Further reading
British biotech company turns to crowdfunding to raise eliminate malaria [Tech City News]
Google to buy Nest lab sfor $3.2bn [VentureBeat]
Apple to refund $32.5m to parents whose kids made in-app purchases [BBC News]
Kayne West files lawsuit against digital currency [BBC News]
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