Digital rights activist and co-editor of BoingBoing Cory Doctorow has thrown his weight behind the Green Party ahead of next week’s general election.
In a video released on Youtube, British-Canadian Doctorow says: “I’m voting Green in this election because I think all of the fights over every kind of social justice that we’re ever going to have, from climate change, to refugees and wars, all of those fight are going to be won or lost on the internet. And all of the other parties have got the internet badly wrong.”
He criticises the Labour Party, who he says “created the surveillance state”, and the Conservative Party for “perfecting it”, along with the Liberal Democrats for voting in favour of secret courts in national security cases.
The Green Party opposes mass surveillance, supports internet freedom and wants to halt the sale and privatisation of public data.
Doctorow says he believes the Green Party is: “A party that treats the internet like the nervous system of the 21st century.”
The Green Party’s policies on information and digital rights can be found in the 2015 manifesto.