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Top tech stats: Self-driving cars raise concerns, cyber attacks on the rise and more

Welcome to your roundup of some of the past week’s most interesting surveys, statistics and reports relevant to those involved in the UK tech industry.

Self-driving cars

More than 30% of motorists are willing to pay more for an autonomous car. That’s according to a survey conducted by online car servicing provider Servicing Stop.

Interestingly, the same research showed that over a quarter of motorists are now looking forward to autonomous ambulances – some 28% of those polled said they perceived self-driving ambulances as a great idea.

Some 72% of people, though, said they would not feel comfortable being taken to hospital in an autonomous vehicle.

CEO and founder of Servicing Stop, Oly Richmond, said: “Autonomous cars are presenting new capabilities and possibilities to the average driver every single day. Not only will the self-driving cars; once properly integrated, provide greater efficiency on our roads but it will offer a range of support for motorists and pedestrians alike....