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Top Tech Stats: Rising ransomware, praise over pay and much more

Top tech stats

Welcome to your roundup of some of the past week’s most interesting surveys, statistics and reports relevant to those involved in the UK tech industry.

This week we bring you the latest stats on ransomware, workers’ sentiment about praise over pay, the correlation between multiculturalism and funding, investment in SMEs by financial corporates and M&A trends within the cloud technology sphere. 


Ransomware increase three-fold throughout Q1 2017.

That’s according to Kaspersky Labs’ ‘Malware Report’, which found ransomware is showing no sign of abating.

The report also found the following throughout the first quarter of this year:

  • Some 55,679 new Windows ransomware modifications were detected during the quarter representing a near two-fold increase on Q4, 2016.
  • 79,209,775 unique URLs were recognised as malicious by web antivirus components.
  • Attempted infections by malware that aims to steal money via online access to bank accounts were registered on 288,000 user computers.
  • Crypto-ransomware attacks were blocked on 240,799 computers of unique users.

“The mobile threat landscape for ransomware was far from calm in Q1. Ransomware targeting mobile devices soared, with new ransomware families and modifications continuing to proliferate. People need to bear in mind that attackers can – and increasingly will – try to block access to their data not only on a PC but also on their mobile device,” noted Roman Unuchek, senior malware analyst at Kaspersky Lab....