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Top tech stats: London tops innovation ranking, ransomware attacks on the rise & more

tech stats

Welcome to your round up of some of the past week’s most interesting surveys, statistics and reports relevant to those involved in the UK tech industry.

This week, we have statistics relating to the impact of AI on consumers and businesses, the leading global city for business, ransomware andA dTech and MarTech M&A deals for Q3 2016.

Artificial intelligence

According to a survey by communications and engagement firm Weber Shandwick, 45% of consumers view AI’s societal impact as positive rather than negative (7%).

When it comes to their personal lives, consumers are even more likely to think it will have a positive rather than negative impact (52% vs. 7% respectively).

Some 18% of 2,100 adult consumers surveyed said they know a lot about AI, with 48% saying they know a little, and 34% admitting knowing nothing. The word most commonly associated with AI was found to be ‘robots’, as mentioned by 22% of respondents unprompted....