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Top tech stats: Global tech investment, ransomware attacks & more

Reading reports

Welcome to your round up of some of the past week’s most interesting surveys, statistics and reports relevant to those involved in the UK tech industry.

This week, we have statistics relating to post-Brexit investment trends, the amount invested in 2016, confused attitudes towards Brexit in the tech industry, ransomware attacks and why HealthTech could help your employees.

Young investors

A study of 1,000 UK retail investors by SyndicateRoom has found that despite 54% voting to remain in the EU, 28% are more likely to invest following the referendum result. Just 17% are less likely to do so.

Of those more likely to invest post-Brexit, the 18-30 age group are more likely to invest than their older counterparts – 53% intend to invest after the result, despite 71% voting to stay in the EU. That’s compared to only 15% of investors over 51 who are more inclined to invest....