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Top Tech Stats: Manchester’s connectivity, how to attract investment & more


Welcome to your round up of some of the past week’s most interesting surveys, statistics and reports relevant to those involved in the UK tech industry.

This week, we have statistics relating to the tools empowering the UK’s startup economy, wasted tech talent, Manchester’s tech hub and what investors are looking for in tech startups.

Startup tools

Tech City UK and Stripe have published joint research identifying a new ‘Startup Stack’ – a suite of cloud-based tools that are powering the UK’s startup economy.

The research found that tools like Github, Google Analytics, and Slack are among the most popular. The majority of respondents also estimated that UK startups are using between 6-15 tools to help their business grow.

Some 89% said these tools had made starting and scaling a business easier, and 85% said they had made it cheaper....