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Will 2015 finally bring some responsibility to tech?

Tech companies can be categorised in two ways. There are those whose principle objectives are based on finance and market share. While they may be selling technology developed in the 21st Century, their ideological heritage is rooted in the 1980s – more Gordon Gekko than Jimmy Wales. These companies don’t take no for an answer, even from politicians. Silicon Valley can be so macho, right?

The second group is more big society, than big business. These companies are driven as much by a desire to make things better, as they are to make more money. And they understand that social returns and financial returns don’t have to be exclusive.

In reality, there are many companies in between. But for those interested in policymaking, this distinction has become more important over the last year. In 2014, European regulators sought to push back against many famous names from Silicon Valley. Should we have a view on which group is better? How should each be regulated?...