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Teenage tech success stories – where are they now?

teenage entrepreneur

It blows my mind what some tech entrepreneurs achieve at such a young age. At the age of 16 I was locked in a fierce power struggle with my parents and trying to get the perfect angle for my emo-esque MySpace profile picture, while others of the same age were founding, scaling and selling their tech ventures for millions. Sickening. Obviously I’m pleased for them, but also highly envious.

So who are these whizz kids, and where are they now? Let’s take a look at some of them …

Nick D’Aloisio

Nick D’Aloisio created the Trimit app in March 2011, when he was just 15. The app condensed content such as news stories into 1,000-, 500-, or 140-character summary text. It piqued the interest of Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka Shing, who invested $300,000 into the app, which D’Aloisio re-designed and re-launched in December 2011 as Summly....