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Tech bonuses four times higher

Technology professionals gain bonuses four times higher than typical UK workers, research from specialist technology recruiter Greythorn has revealed.

On top of a £55,675 base salary tech workers typically net a 12% bonus amounting to £6,681 per year. In comparison the average UK worker can expect to get £1,500 on top of their salary.

From 2013 to 2014 50,000 jobs were created across the UK, of which 29,000 were in London.

Michael Moretti, senior manager at Greythorn, said: “The tech sector has been an engine room behind the recent British economic success story, and the highly qualified and technically proficient workers in the sector are extremely deserving of strong bonus packages.

“Given the continued growth of the industry and the finite number of talented candidates available, we fully expect that remuneration will continue to grow as UK tech goes from strength to strength.

“The sector has performed particularly well in London and the South East, where exciting and revolutionary fields like fintech have been instrumental in maintaining the capital’s pre-eminence in the global economy, and cementing the UK’s position as a centre of innovation.”

Tech professionals typically seek a 15% salary increase – or £8,351 – to move, as two in five (40%) left their previous job for better pay.

Nearly a third (31%) will be actively seeking new jobs this year as they look to take advantage of the sector’s growth.

Moretti added: “High levels of growth in the sector have put a real premium on skills in demand.

“In such an environment, firms will always offer top talent extremely attractive packages in order to keep themselves competitive in challenging markets.”

Tech workers in the business services sector take home the highest basic salary of £72,867 per annum, while those in the energy, construction and utilities industry earn a typical £67,063.

Education is the lowest paying sector for tech professionals, as staff earn £48,214 on average.

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