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IoTUK launched to boost the UK’s Internet of Things capability

IoTUK, a national programme designed to amplify the UK’s Internet of Things capability, has launched as part of the government’s £40m investment in IoT.

Powered by the Digital Catapult and the Future Cities Catapult, IoTUK will look to advance the UK’s global leadership in the sector and increase the adoption of high quality technologies and services throughout businesses and the public sector.

Neil Crockett, CEO, the Digital Catapult, said: “We are at a pivotal point in the evolution of the Internet of Things and the UK is ready to maximise the huge potential of smart technology. But this is not about smart fridges and other first generation IoT point-to-point solutions.

“This is about the combination of interoperability, AI and machine automation to create a game changer to the business models of every sector in the economy.

“The societal impact, from managing city infrastructure through to the delivery of our health and social services will be huge. To stay ahead the UK needs to be at the cusp of driving and gaining a new competitive edge from the fundamental technological changes that will happen in the next five years.”

IoTUK will also manage the organisations which will be appointed to deliver the recently announced public funding for a city demonstrator, a research hub focussed on security and trust, as well as health and care test beds.

These competitions are ongoing and led by Innovate UK, Digital Economy Unit, NHS England and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.

Crockett added: “We have the academics, industry, talent and consumer demand to be IoT leaders, but there are challenges to overcome to realise this.

“From sharper research to more effective test beds for ideas, to the unearthing of new solutions for issues such as cyber security and explosion of personal data, IoTUK is focused on addressing these and other gaps to help support and work with our growing IoT sector.

“We will work to unleash the potential of systematic IoT deployment to make our economy stronger and our lives better. We are proud to be part of the future of IoT and are excited to play our role in making it a force in the future of our society.”

To accelerate the Internet of Things, IoTUK will host a number of workshops and events across the UK over the coming months, and is now launching a number of ways for organisations in the IoT sector to get involved:

1.       IoTUK Case Study Open Call: IoTUK is looking to highlight IoT projects that are implemented, and have delivered real, proven value for business and citizens

2.       Showcase Open Call: IoTUK is seeking applicants to be a part of the physical showcase in the Digital Catapult and Future Catapult Centres

3.       IoTUK Boost Open Call: Next week, IoTUK will be launching a call asking for organisations from across the UK to partner to deliver a series of local IoT innovation challenges and rapid incubation activities.


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