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What Firstminute Capital looks for in tech entrepreneurs

Raising investment for your business can help it succeed, but it can also be immensely tricky.

Knowing how to approach an investor, and pitch in a way that sets you apart from the competition can be tough. With this in mind, we spoke to Spencer Crawley, co-founder and general partner at Firstminute Capital, to get a better idea about what he and his team look for in prospective investment opportunities.

Firstminute is a London-based, pan-European Seed fund, which recently raised $100m. Launched in Summer 2017, the fund is backed by 30 founders of tech unicorns from Europe and the US.

European VC Atomico was its first cornerstone investor, and some of Firstminute’s early UK investments include Cambridge-based self-driving startup Wayve, fuel delivery business Zebra Fuel and wireless charging platform Chargifi. ...