Recipe box delivery service SimplyCook has raised $1.1m from software VC fund Episode 1 Ventures to bring the excitement back to the nation’s kitchens.
SimplyCook delivers four recipes, including gluten-free options, with all the necessary spices included and recommended ingredients you can grab from the supermarket, which they say means each meal costs between £2 and £6.
“It occurred to me that despite a litany of celebrity chefs, cookery shows and Christmas cookbooks, people generally stick to the same 7 or 8 dishes or settle for a takeaway,” said SimplyCook founder, formerly of DFJ Esprit, Oli Ashness. “When I tried cooking a Malay Laksa from a cookbook, it cost £42 to get all the necessary ingredients – which is too much for the vast majority of people. But with the precise amount of taste and flavour elements, combined with simple recipes, cooking delicious meals suddenly becomes quick, easy and affordable.”
The company has a data platform to help it understand what meals people want and decide on new recipes. The cash will be used to further develop so they can cater for each customer’s specific taste.