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Patients Know Best raises $1.7m to give patients control over their records

Patients Know Best (PKB) has raised $1.7m investment led by global venture capital fund Maxfield Capital.

The Cambridge-based startup is the world’s first fully patient-controlled online medical records system.

It particularly addresses patients being treated by multiple care teams, giving anyone involved a single view of their medical records to help provide more rounded, joined-up care.

Maxfield Capital is a venture capital firm that invests in global seed and early stage technology companies.

David vs Goliath

PKB was founded in 2008, less than a year after the launches of Microsoft HealthKit and Google Health.

But founder Dr Mohammad Al-Ubaydli says the two giants’ systems still had a high barrier to entry for users. That was the problem PKB set out to solve.

Data stored on PKB is encrypted and can be accessed solely by the patients themselves, unless they sign off permission for a relative or their doctor to access it.

The system also addresses legal worries that doctors previously had when submitting information.

Expanding outward

PKB is now working in over 40 medical institutions, including Great Ormond Street Hospital, St Marks Hospital, Luton & Dunstable Hospital and Leicester Medical School.

The technology is used across eight countries including Australia, Kuwait and the US, and in eleven different languages.


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