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Let’s Do This gets £1m Seed to help athletes find sports events


Let’s Do This, an online listing platform seeking to connect athletes with endurance sports events, has raised a £1m Seed.

According to Business Insider, the firm raised from investors including Mike Miller, the CEO of the World Olympians Association; Brian Schuring, founder of Rubicon; Jonathan Goodwin, the co-founder of Founders Forum; and Richard Oldfield, founder of Oldfield Partners.

The London-based firm was co-founded by Cambridge graduates Sam Browne and Alex Rose and Neil Locke, the former head of tech at MoneySuperMarket.

Speaking about the raise, Browne, the CEO, said: “There are now about 1.5 million endurance races globally that exist in a massively disorganised and fragmented mess. Let’s Do This is here to organise all these events into one comparison site and allow, through extensive personalisation, athletes to find their perfect race.”

He then went on to claim that the firm, founded last year, already has 35,000 returning customers and is growing at a rate of 150% each month.

Most of the events currently listed on the platform are running-based, but the firm is hoping to widen the scope to include more sports-related events as it scales.

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