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Talent sourcing is top priority for impact CEOs in 2024, survey finds

Unreasonable Group CEO, Daniel Epstein

Finding suitable talent and competition with rival companies are the greatest challenges for European impact CEOs in 2024, a new survey has found.

The survey of 1,250 CEOs in Europe, conducted by business community Unreasonable Impact, found that sourcing talent and competing with peers each received 27% of the votes for the top challenges in 2024.

The UK’s business leaders were found to be the most worried (28%) about recruitment in the coming year compared to their European counterparts. Sweden had the lowest at 21%.

“In the face of challenges, these findings highlight the resilience of Europe’s impact-focused CEOs,” said Daniel Epstein, CEO of Unreasonable Group.

“It’s heartening to see stable investor sentiment, and the trend of collaboration with multinationals, which underscores the power of collective action in tackling global issues.”...