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Brexit is inevitable – let’s not allow it to hit us where it hurts the most


Russ Shaw, founder of Tech London Advocates and Global Tech Advocates, discusses how the UK tech industry can thrive in spite of Brexit.

In its current form, Brexit is threatening to hamper the growth of the British tech sector and our most prominent innovators. Tech London Advocates did not hide their opposition to the result of Brexit in 2016 when 87% of members expressed their opposition to the decision to withdraw from the EU. As scepticism and frustration grows around Brexit, we must continue to fight as a united community and ensure a prosperous future for British business.

The triggering of Article 50 raised uncertainty about British economic policy and dented business investment in the process. This has been compounded by a concerning lack of investment in technical education within British schools. Tech firms and SMEs already struggle to acquire the talent they need to expand and burgeoning areas such as cybersecurity are being stifled by a lack of talent. We must do more to replicate such initiatives as the Digital Skills Partnership, which allows for private and public sector collaboration and facilities the development of home-grown talent that will form the basis of our digital economy going forward....