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GP Bullhound: Britain is top European target for Asian tech buyers


Britain has become the top European target for Asian buyers looking to acquire technology companies, a new report shows.

The report, from London-based technology investment bank GP Bullhound, reveals that 30 UK tech firms have been sold to Asian firms since 2014 – more than any other country in Europe.

According to the research, the transactions are thought to have set back Asian buyers a total of $37.4bn (£28.9m).

The last three years have seen an increasing Asian incursion into European tech firms, with the number of acquisitions almost doubling between 2014 and 2016, from 22 to 49.

The combined deal value increased 30 fold to $50.4bn (£38.9), meaning that in 2016 the Asian appetite for European tech firms nearly matched that of North America....