After 14 years, the UK has a Labour government. During that time, the UK’s tech sector has flourished. But how much of that was because of the Conservative government, and how much of it was in spite of it?
In an interview with UKTN, Improbable Worlds founder Herman Narula discusses how the Conservatives’ support of tech was helpful yet “superficial”, how Brexit reversed so much government progress and what Labour can do from its seat of power.
Improbable Worlds is a London-based tech firm founded in 2012. The company specialises in technology used in virtual environments and metaverse development. Improbable is now valued at $3.4bn, having raised $864m (£665m), according to startup tracker Dealroom.
Cameron’s Britain: Promising early signs
Narula co-founded Improbable two years into the premiership of David Cameron. It was an exciting time for young UK tech companies with the right “events, opportunities and relationships” being built, says Narula....