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WeMa Life’s Vivek Patni on launching to market and setting up a tech startup with his family

WeMa Life

I caught up with Vivek Patni, COO and co-founder, of WeMa Life, an online platform which brings together multiple social care and wellbeing service providers within a single ecosystem.

Patni spoke about what it’s really like to launch a tech business with family and the challenges they’ve faced when launching to market.

Q: Where did the idea for WeMa Life come from and what were you doing before?

The idea for WeMa Life was very much borne out of my family’s own personal experiences when having to look after one of our elderly relatives. This was a new experience for all of us, and we found the process of organising care services to be unnecessarily time-consuming, and often difficult to manage.

What became particularly frustrating was the lack of digital solutions to help manage the experience, with the sector failing to make use of similar technologies that we have seen transform lives with the rise of FinTech and PropTech. As a result, my parents, Rajal and Rohit, and I set out to create an online solution that would change the way people manage the care of both themselves and others....