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Syft’s co-founders on why you need to target big clients and build out a sales team early on

syft founders

I spoke to Novo Abakare and Jack Beaman, co-founders of Syft, about their entrepreneurial journey to date, the challenges that come with raising from venture capital investors, and the advice they wish they’d known before founding their own company.

Tech vertical: Flexible staffing marketplace

‪Funding: £8.7m

‪Staff count: 62

‪Location: London, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham

‪Founded: October 2015

Q: Where did the idea for Syft come from and why?

J: The idea really came about partly from inspiration from many marketplace apps such as Airbnb and Deliveroo, and partly due to my experience of working for temp agencies throughout my years at university.

N: Jack and I were catching up during Christmas 2014, and he told me about an idea he had. Given our complementary skill sets, we agreed that the business stood a much better chance of success if we teamed up, so, we did. ...