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Stagedoor’s Michael Hadjijoseph on why theatre is ripe for disruption and the dos and don’ts of crowdfunding

I spoke with Michael Hadjijoseph, co-founder and CEO of theatre app Stagedoor, to find out why the sector is ripe for disruption, the challenges he’s faced in his operating market and how to run a successful crowdfunding campaign.

Q: Where did the idea for Stagedoor come from and why? 

Stagedoor is the result of the combination of skills and ideas that the founding team had: tech meets theatre.

London theatre is wonderfully diverse but it’s a highly fragmented world. Information is dispersed across a wide range of media sources and venue pages. It can feel like a full-time job keeping up to date with what you’re interested in so we made Stagedoor to change that.

We’ve created a digital home for the whole industry; from the fringe to the West End. In the last year, we’ve seen a community of thousands of theatre-goers spring up within the app. We provide them with information, personal recommendations, super-fast ticket buying and a platform to share their experiences....