We caught up with Paul Bojarski, CEO of Sceenic, to find out what he’s been up to since competing at UKTN’s Elevator Pitch LIVE last year.
Tell me about Sceenic. What do you do?
In one word, we call it “togetherness”. Our passion is to allow friends and families to be able to watch online video, TV and experience VR together even when separated by distance. We call it “Watch Together” and that’s been our purpose since day one.
How did the idea come about and why?
In 2013, I was running digital for MTV / Viacom and they relocated me to Argentina but my parents were back in London.
The Volleyball World Championship finals were taking place and Poland was playing against Brazil. My dad rang me to watch it together. We started over the phone and eventually opened a video chat app to see each other and it was magical – even opening beers together as we watched the same match despite being 13,000 miles apart. That’s how the idea was born. Shortly after that I left MTV to start our journey. ...