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IOTICS founder: ‘First hires teach you the value of calculated risks’


Andrew Orrock is the CEO and co-founder of IOTICs, a deep tech company that has created tools for cross-organisation data sharing.

Its technology has been deployed across various sectors, including defence and transportation. IOTICS says its technology is often used by commercial rivals where trusted data sharing is required to solve business challenges.

Orrock co-founded IOTICS with Mark Wharton, Paul Green and Ian Orrock in 2012. Orrock’s previous ventures include cellular connectivity firm Arkessa and employee wellbeing business Zeffr.

In this week’s Founder in Five Q&A, Orrock explains why “first hires teach you the value of taking calculated risks”, shares tips for preventing burnout and motivating his team, and reveals why he’s impressed by the growth of climate company Ecologi.

1. Which role was the most important early hire you made?

Andrew Orrock: The first one! Early hires require finding passionate people who will be committed to sharing your vision and then owning the relentless pursuit of it. At the inception of any company, there is so much to do that defined roles and structure often come later, so agility and flexibility are key....