Here’s some news the transgender community is going to like. Starting today Facebook users in the U.K. can choose from 70 different gender options for their profiles.
“It’s all about Facebook enabling people to be themselves, and making users feel comfortable in how they express themselves and how they talk about the issues that matter to them,” Facebook’s U.K. and Ireland policy director, Simon Milner, explained to The Independent.
Facebook first expanded beyond male and female back in February, when it introduced 50 new gender options for U.S. and U.K. users and allowed them to choose their preferred pronouns as male (he/his), female (she/her), or neutral (they/their).
Diversity of Identity
This latest batch of gender choices was specifically selected for the U.K. with the help of Press for Change and Gendered Intelligence.
“The comprehensive range reflects the diversity of identity among trans people in the U.K. We welcome the inclusion of non-binary identities that are so often overlooked or erased,” said Jay Stewart, co-founder and director at Gendered Intelligence.
“Facebook’s decision to better reflect trans lives online sends a message to young trans people that their identities and concerns are legitimate and that their voices have been listened to.”
Custom Lists
Anyone who wants to change their gender setting in Facebook can go to the ‘About’ page on their profile and select ‘Edit’ next to ‘Gender’ in the ‘Basic Information’ section.
If the option you want doesn’t appear, you can suggest it.
Users can also select the friends they want the changes to appear for, so it’s possible to create a custom list.
Facebook was quick to point out that there is “currently no way for marketers to target ‘transgender/custom’ [individuals] on Facebook.”