To say that finding the right talent – and retaining it – is hard, is a massive understatement, especially if you’re a relatively new kid on the block (aka startup) and competing against more established players in the realm of Google, Facebook or Apple.
New research by tech recruitment firm Dice revealed that Google is considered as the gold standard for an ideal employer by millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers. Other tech giants featured in the top 10 include Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, IBM and Hewlett Packard. These companies are arguably some of the most widely recognisable names in the technology industry, but this doesn’t mean smaller companies cannot attract great tech talent too.
Dice’s research saw the recruitment firm survey more than 5,000 respondents across the UK and US and ask them to rate the strengths of their ideal employers across a series of categories, including competitive salaries; bonuses; open and transparent communication; opportunities for promotion and more. ...