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Download of the Week: Flipboard is all about mobile

Each week we trawl through the internet’s jumble sale of apps to bring you a cool, new app that will make your life better.

Our download this week isn’t a new one, but a revamped one that has come back stronger than ever.

Flipboard was founded in December 2010 and has now launched its third iteration, with a new focus on mobile.

flipboard 2

It’s available on iOS, Android, Windows and BlackBerry.

Beautiful content

For anyone not familiar with Flipboard,  it’s a digital magazine that aggregates content from around the web.

Unlike some of the other aggregators around, Flipboard puts a particular focus on displaying content beautifully, aiming for an effortless and personalised online magazine for every person.

There are over 30,000 topics now available. Simply click ‘follow’ on all the ones you’re interested in and Flipboard puts it all at your fingertips.

CNN on flipboardExtra! Extra! Read all about it

Unveiled in the new edition of Flipboard is The Daily Edition, a rundown of that day’s biggest stories.

The UK-specific edition is ready by 7am every morning. If you’re looking for a new way to ingest your news, check it out.

The platform has also been redesigned for phones to be as elegant as ever, so it’s perfect for your commute into work


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