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VC investment in London ‘driven by AI, robotics and big data’


Artificial intelligence, robotics and big data are among the fastest growing areas for investment, according to analysis of VC capital flows carried out by the founders of London Tech Week.

The findings show that London’s AI and machine learning firms have become especially attractive for investors, drawing in 20 times more investment in 2016 (£85.75m) than the amount raised in 2011 (£3m).

According to the research, London-based AI firms have attracted more than £207m in VC funding in the past five years. This, the research adds, was boosted by deals closed by Google DeepMind and Magic Pony.

Additionally, VC investment into London firms developing robotics and drone technologies has also increased.

The findings show that more than £14m was invested last year, compared with significantly smaller amounts raised in 2014 (£40,000) and 2015 (£70,000). This increase in funding is largely due to Starship Technologies’ £13.95m raise in January 2017....