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How artificial intelligence will transform our high streets

high street

Rosh Singh, director of digital innovation at Kinetic Active, discusses …

Thanks to sci-fi blockbusters like Back to the Future and Minority Report, technology is often disappointing.

According to the engineer and futurist Roy Amara, this is because we typically over-state the impact of technology in the short-term – and under-estimate its likely impact in the long-term. In short, our expectations distract us from the world we really live in.

The technology that so many of us use on a day-to-day basis is actually extraordinary. Consider Google, Siri and Cortana. The artificial intelligence embedded within these services like complex algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) was once considered a pipe dream.

Technology often makes us feel uncomfortable, in part owing to the extent to which these services providers can now track the intimacies of our lives. However, we’re becoming more accepting of and accustomed to machines like virtual personal assistants (VPAs) than we think....