Tom Salmon, co-founder of corporate innovation firm The Bakery, outlines how corporates can learn from startups to innovate in 2017.
New Year, new resolutions. It’s January, and everyone is on a mission to better themselves. Not just personally, but senior executives at big corporates have also woken up to a new dawn eager to make their companies better, more successful places. Innovation is the name of the game, and I have pulled together some New Year’s resolutions that any executive with the aim to bring some positive disruption to his or her corporate home should take to heart.
I will not do innovation for the sake of innovation
Now that is a big one to start with. Innovation is a great big buzzword and it is sometimes easy to get carried away. Ask yourself: what is our goal for this programme? Are we aiming to solve a specific problem or create an entirely new element to the business? How is innovating this part of the business going to help staff and customers? What resources do we available to commit to the programme? Who can we ask for help?...