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Britain must modernise grids to power sustainable EV future 

power grid modernisation
Image credit: David Calvert / Shutterstock

In the face of burgeoning environmental concerns and a global push towards clean energy, the UK government has set a path towards mass electrification. All new cars are to be zero emission by 2035, and the shift is well underway, with EVs already accounting for 20% of overall car sales as of August 2023.

Despite being a positive step in the right direction, mass EV adoption comes with an unprecedented challenge: a 50% increase in demand on the national grid, a load level it was not designed nor developed to accommodate.

Such strain could lead to blackouts and significant disruption to our daily lives. Even before widespread EV adoption, our national infrastructure is struggling. Home charging providers are facing massive backlogs in accessing grid connections, delaying installation times and causing scepticism around the EV ownership experience from would-be buyers....