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Will the next mayor fulfil London’s tech potential?

London Mayoral election tech
City Hall. Image credit: Fela Sanu / Shutterstock

Four months in, it’s already clear that many of the decisions that will define 2024 will be made in the polling booth.

With our friends in India embarking on an electoral process due to last a full month, partisan lines are also being drawn closer to home as UK voters prepare to take to the polls once more.

While May’s mayoral and local elections don’t hold quite the same political significance as the general election expected later in 2024, they are the first opportunity for voters to connect with policymakers and start to influence the national agenda of the next half-decade.

Ahead of the election on 2 May – and in partnership with east London-based innovation hub Here East – I was delighted to present Tech London Advocates’ “New Tech Manifesto for London’’. The manifesto contains eight priorities for the next mayor of London to maintain our world-leading tech sector....