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Why the education system is failing future workers – and how edtech can fix it

worker education

The future of work is changing, and the education system needs to keep up. The McKinsey Global Institute estimates that rapid advances in automation and AI technology will mean that about 14% of the global workforce, particularly those whose jobs involve routine physical activity, will need to reskill and change occupation by 2030 in order to avoid obsolescence.

Worryingly, though, it appears there’s insufficient provision to prepare adult learners for what’s set to be the greatest upheaval in the workplace since the Industrial Revolution.

The pace of change means older adults (not the traditional university students) will soon become the largest group of new learners in education. Many people currently in employment are turning to continuous professional development programmes to ensure their skills are up to date and relevant to the rapidly evolving requirements of the roles they already have – not to mention the roles they might want in the future....