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Arm’s soaring share price is bittersweet for UK tech

Arm share price
Image credit: Arm

For those who follow the UK tech sector closely, watching Arm‘s share price go from strength to strength has been a bittersweet experience.

Sweet because Arm is a British company specialising in one of the single most important global technologies, and a fantastic example of the potential for world-leading technological capability the country possesses.

Bitter because Arm – whose share price has increased by 100% since the start of the year – is not a UK-listed company. At its peak, Arm was valued higher than all but four companies on the FTSE100.

Founded in Cambridge before being sold to Japanese company Softbank in 2016, Arm symbolises the crossroads at which the UK tech sector finds itself. It is both a perfect demonstration of the substantial innovation potential the UK tech sector possesses and an exposé of the difficulties that have plagued the UK as an attractive public market listing destination....