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Here’s how to keep your business secure regardless of scale

cybersecurity developer

Bogdan Botezatu, senior e-threat analyst at Bitdefender, discusses how you can keep your business safe as you scale.

What is “secure enough”? The reality is, there is no such thing.

As human beings we are all prone to making mistakes, which would suggest that nothing can be secured 100%, even with our best intentions.

However, there are steps that companies of all sizes can take to ensure that every digital point of entry into the organisation is safeguarded as best as possible. But as SMEs and startups grow and scale, and the corresponding number of entry points increases, how can business decision makers prevent the task of securing the business from becoming overwhelming?

When size doesn’t matter

When it comes to cybersecurity, often enough, small and big businesses tend to overlook some cybersecurity issues as they might not apply to them. A significant misconception regarding cybersecurity is that smaller companies usually tend to invest less, as a proportion of overall IT budget, in securing their data compared to larger organisations. On the other hand, big businesses often rely on one security solution or suite forgetting various small factors that play significant roles in overall cybersecurity hygiene....