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Worldwide on-demand journalism with Paydesk – Startup of the Week

Welcome to the sixth episode of the Elevator Pitch series 5!

Every week we publish a 30-second pitch from our Elevator Pitch winners.

These startups, chosen by a panel of expert judges for their potential to change the world, join an alumni group that includes the likes of and Glow, and have to-date raised more than $86m.

In this series we took the founders on a ride unlike any other for the most exciting pitch of their lives.

Worldwide on demand journalism

In today’s globalised world where news is 24/7 and immediately available the need for on demand journalists with local knowledge and experience is bigger than ever.

Paydesk provides a platform that allows broadcasters, publishers and podcast producers to quickly have access to experienced and accredited journalists worldwide.

Acquiring a competitor and funding in year one

Founded in 2014 PayDesk is already used by big broadcasters such as  France 24, FoxNews and CBS, and recently signed a deal with Voice of America to manage all of their correspondents in Africa.

PayDesk has just closed a seed round of £300,000 with leading angels including Michael Birch (founder of Bebo) and Stuart Marks (Partner in JLAB). And in less than a year since launching its acquired London-based competitor

1,500 journalists in 150 countries

Paydesk was founded by Morgan Sowden, a CTO with more than 20 years experience and Henry Peirse who ran GRN, a news gathering agency for over 10 years.

Co-founder Morgan Sowden says “We have over 1500 professional journalists in over 150 countries around the world, that can be hired in one click. Busy newsrooms can rely on our network of journalists, who are already on location and have local accreditation, to gather news, do live broadcast links, write background pieces or record interviews on location.”

The Elevator Pitch is gratefully sponsored by KPMGKnight FrankNatwestTaylor WessingPropel London and Lendinvest


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